Contact Us
We hope that you have found our website informative and if you would either like more information or would like to book your cat or dog in then please contact us on the details below. Or search for our Facebook site.
Thank you
Paul & Ros
The Springs Kennels and Cattery, Eldwick, BD16 3ASPromote your Page too
The Springs Cattery, Spring Lane, Eldwick, BD16 3AS.
Tel: 01274 568049
Eldwick, Bingley, Baildon, Bradford, Leeds, Guisley, Shipley, Saltaire, Harden, Keighley, Luxury Cattery in Cullingworth, Cattery in Hawksworth, Cattery Crossfalts, Cattery in Ilkley, Cattery Menston, Cattery East Morton, Cattery Haworth, Cattery Oakworth
Telephone: 01274 568049 The 'Springs Cattery' Spring Lane, Eldwick, Bingley, BD16 3AS